
Thursday, September 26, 2013

The GM Diet | Day 1 - All Fruits

Weighing at 51kg in the morning.

10AM - 1 small Papaya : Very easy to finish because the papaya was delicious!

12PM - 1/4 Watermelon : It took me 30mins to finish this and I was so glad I finally did! Had half a bowl of Wonder Soup just to keep my stomach warm. At this point I am feeling slightly weak.


3PM - OMG I get to drink SOUP! Drank a big bowl of soup. Schedule says 1/4 Cantaloupe but I couldn't find that in the supermarket so I just made do with the soup since I have so much of it.

336PM - This is definitely not for the weak. I just can't stop thinking about food!

410PM - Snacked on some grapes. Felt happier!

7PM - So surprised that I lasted 3 hours without feeling hungry after the grapes. Now for some soup. Only managed to drink 1 1/2 bowl of soup instead of 2.

9PM - Snacked on 2 Yellow Kiwis.

10PM - 1 cup of Lemon Water.

At the end of the day, I felt like I've won! There were so many temptations, Facebook constant food updates, neighbor cooking, MY KITCHEN filled with biscuits, food, coffee!, and so many snacks that I just felt like giving up. BUT I kept telling myself that no day can be worse than today because tomorrow, I am so looking forward to that potato that I am entitled to!

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