
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

General Motors (GM) Diet Plan

I first heard of GM Diet from Linora and have followed her through her daily GM Diet log on Facebook and her 7 days experience on her blog. I got really interested and have been wanting to try it out but my schedule for the past weeks have been filled with food reviews, events and traveling. So, finally I decided that this is the week to try it. It couldn't be more perfect when I will be heading off to Koh Samui next week for my birthday retreat, thanks to the hubs for bringing me somewhere every year as a birthday treat for me. :)

I'll try to make this as short as possible so you don't have to scroll too much but just look at pictures. ;P

What is the GM Diet Plan?

General Motors diet plan started with General Motors Corporation employee soon became a world popular diet plan which was adopted by people across the world. The 7 day diet plan is based on the intake of specified food items which includes raw materials such as vegetables, fruits, juice, lean meat and avoid the intake of any dairy products. The popularity of this diet program is its fast weight reducing technique in a span of a week.

According to the survey by some of the well known diet researchers, GM diet plan has been proved to be the safest and the most preferred dieting plan among individual. Though there are certain effects, which a GM diet follower may experience during the first few days of his diet plan ; hunger, weakness and sweating. However after few days a person will experience a soothing effect of this diet plan.

An individual may lose 8-10 % of body fat by strictly following this dietary program .

I came up with this schedule to make it easier for me to follow. At anytime you want to tweak it, feel free to but don't wonder off the path.

The Seven Day Diet Plan

The GM diet is divided into seven days, which requires the intake of specified meal for each day. A person starts the diet with the intake of green vegetables, fruits and lean meat to detoxify his body thereby showing some effective result in less time. Water intake is an important aspect of this dieting technique, and a follower of this diet plan is strictly advised to consume at least 10 glass of water every day.

Grocery List

Gotten all of the items from AEON Midvalley

1/2 papaya, 3/4 watermelon, 1/2 Pomelo, 8 bananas, 2 Fuji Apple, 4 lemons, 1 pack of Kiwi, Small pack of Grapes

Supposedly 567gsm lean beef but I decided to buy lesser and supposedly 1 chicken leg quarter but they don't have just 1 so I had to buy 2.

5 potato, 3 broccoli, 2 pack asparagus, 2 box cherry tomatoes, 1 pack bak choy, 8 big tomatoes, 1 pack kangkung, 1 bunch celery (soup), 1 bunch carrot (stew), 1 pack paku pakis, 1 Sweet Potato, 1 pack eggplant, 2 green peppers (soup), 1 cabbage, 1 pack ladies fingers

Total Cost : RM110.26

Wonder Soup Recipe

Slice and dice everything, put them into the crock pot the night before you start your diet plan. Add a little bit of salt and pepper and voila! Next day, your house smells of Herbal Soup (the herb smell from Celery - not my favourite).

The Wonder of this soup is, it has NO FAT substance and you can drink this whenever you want to during your diet when you are hungry. The ingredients that I bought are enough to make TWO POTS of soup. I had half kept in the fridge for the second batch.

Have yet to try it out but I bet this will be the best soup I'll ever get to have for the next 7 days.


1. It helps to detoxify the body from harmful chemical thereby cleaning the entire body and preparing it for a healthy dietary technique.
2. An individual may lose 8-10 kg of body fat in seven days
3. An easy way to maintain a slim and perfect body figure
4. Enhances the glow and beauty of your skin and gives you a toned muscle
5. Beneficial for people of all ages

If you want to try this plan out, GOOD LUCK! I'll be blogging about my daily intake for the next 7 days.

Sources from GM Diet Guide & Linora Low

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