
Friday, October 4, 2013

My thoughts on The General Motors (GM) Diet Plan

So, here it is. My thoughts on The General Motors (GM) Diet Plan that I just completed not long ago.

Before I even began, I never really thought about how discipline I had to be in order to really go through with it. Yes, I've read tons of reviews and other people trying it but I never knew that the daily temptations through the 7 days was magnified by 10 times, making the diet plan even harder to follow. So, if you are reading this and you really want to do it, BE VERY SURE of your aim. My aim was to lose my belly fat and I really wanted it to work. BAD.

7 Days Diet Regime
When I did my own schedule, not varying far away from the actual one, I was so convinced that I could go through this. 7 days was a really short time for what I planned to lose. I've read past experiences and they don't mention what they feel or how it works for them but their end result was always fascinating to me. 22kg? really? I want that too! Not that much but I still really want to lose some weight.

So the first day as you can read here, was REALLY TOUGH. It was all fruits. Anything other than fruits was a strict NO and this was really difficult even when I was at home. Neighbors cooking, Facebook food posts, and the temptation was so strong to just go into my kitchen and dig up something to eat but I told myself to look forward to the next day. That was how I went through my entire 7 days diet. Just find something to look forward to the next day and you'll actually go through the day easier.

Day 4 was really demotivating for me because it was just bananas and milk. I didn't lose any weight as well so I was really at a 60:50 point where I wanted to give up but I was thinking to myself that if I am not giving this a shot, I wouldn't know for sure that I will succeed in losing weight. So, I held my grounds, and went on with it for the next few days.

Surprisingly, I lost another kg the next day and that was the best feeling in the world because I was right not to give up.

Was it worth it?
Hell, yes! I lost 2kgs and 1.5" off my waistline.

A healthy way to reset your body
This diet plan has taught me that I should eat what my body needs and not more than that. It also gave me a fresh start to begin eating healthy and maintaining my body the way it is (less fat) and it is the perfect plan for those who want to lose some weight by working out because it prepares your body for that with lesser fat percentage. Hence, easier to burn off remaining fat in your body when you go for your workout sessions and in return you'll get a leaner body and a body you've always wanted.

Post GM Diet
I find myself being very cautious about what I am eating after the GM Diet. I didn't want to waste my 7 day effort by pigging out the very next day my diet was completed. I read on some blogs that that was where some people went wrong. When the body loses an amount of fat within a short period of time, it seizes the opportunity to store more the next chance it gets. So, it is wise to maintain a light diet throughout the day. Eat healthy and you'll feel healthy.

So, yup! That's generally what I think about the GM Diet. Glad that I had the discipline to try it out. Read about my GM Diet experiences here. GOOD LUCK!


  1. After reading some nice stuff in your article I really feel speechless, because it is quit pretty article. Beside this it is also a long lasting article. Thanks for giving me such type of useful diet plan .

    1. Thank you! It's good to know that this post is inspiring other people to try :)

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