
Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend 8.9

Didn't manage to do anything on Saturday. I had to recuperate from my excessive drinking on Friday at a friend's house. Salah bajet. Went out the entire day on Sunday to get some chores done. Paradigm Mall was packed. No idea why. I usually make a trip there when there's a need for Sephora's products and that's when I look forward to shopping at H&M!

Last week was Matta Fair week and I am so EXCITED to announce that I AM GOING TO EUROPE!! Managed to get tickets to Paris at a very reasonable price and I went all crazy in H&M, picking out sweaters after sweaters to buy for Spring in Paris. You have no idea how happy I am. I've been wanting to go to Europe for the longest time and I am finally heading there next year! Whoooopppeeeeedooo!

Anyway, here's my weekend snippets :)

Had late lunch at Teh Tarik Place at Paradigm Mall. It is sort of like a high class mamak restaurant that serves mamak food but I love their Nasi Goreng Kampung (RM7.90) because it is authentic. You have no idea how hard it is for me to find a plate of authentic kamping fried rice because anything but ikan bilis, kangkung and chicken in it is not how a real kampung fried rice should be. Doug had Teh Tarik, Roti Telur and Fried Chicken. He said it wasn't bad. I have no idea because I don't fancy roti telur.

My loot from Sephora. Recently, I've been having breakouts and I blame it on Bare Essentials. I wanted to try something new but my face got worse after I changed to Bare Essentials. Thank my lucky stars that I only bought a small bottle. So, when it finally finished, I decided to get another one and I am putting my faith in Clinique because they've been around for so long and I've always heard how great they are. The bottle of Anti-Blemish Facial Foam that I bought was at RM100 (gulps) but I guess, I don't really have a choice if I really want something good for my skin. Lets see how great it is in a week time.

After Paradigm Mall, we headed over to Midvalley for our weekly grocery buy at AEON. Had our daily coffee fix at Espresso Lab, Gardens. Love!

Sushi Zen for dinner at Gardens. We usually love eating here because it tasted better than Sushi Zanmai and Sakae Sushi but there was something missing in the dishes that we ordered yesterday. Ah well. Still loved eating the baby octopuses and fried gyoza! 

Anyway, it was a lazy weekend for me. Hope it had been awesome for you. Those who managed to meet Robin Thicke, GOOD ON YA!

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