
Sunday, September 29, 2013

The GM Diet | Day 4 - Bananas (6) & Milk (3)

Well, I woke up feeling really excited to weigh myself but I soon got pretty disappointed when I weighed the same. NOTHING has changed. 3 days of constant fruits and vege, yet I am still at 50kg. BUMMED. At this point I am not even sure if I should go head with another 4 more days of this intensive diet. Today is the worst actually. Just Bananas and Milk. Sigh.

Weighing at 50kg in the morning. (none lost from Day 3)

10AM - 2 bananas & 1 glass of low fat milk.

12PM - 1 bowl of Wonder Soup and 1 cup of English Breakfast Tea.

Went out to Publika. Finally, a breath of fresh air and sun. I've been cooked up at home ever since the diet because I didn't need to eat out or didn't have any reason to go out. Today, I went to check out CAFFA (Coffee and Art Fringe Festival 2013) at Publika and the smell of coffee aroma was hypnotizing. Did I take even a sip? NOPE I didn't. Still going strong with this diet.

3PM - 2 bananas.

5PM - 1 banana and 1 glass of milk.

7PM - 1 bowl of soup and 1 bowl of watermelon.

11PM - 1 banana and 1 glass of milk.

Well, not the best day for me. I am absolutely demotivated. One minute I was keen on continuing with the diet and the next I really thought of giving up. Didn't help that it was the weekend and everywhere I went had food signs. Sigh. At least I am looking forward to the beef tomorrow.

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