
Saturday, September 28, 2013

The GM Diet | Day 3 - Unlimited fruits & Unlimited non-starchy vege

Weighing at 50kg in the morning. (none lost from Day 2)

11AM - 1/2 bowl of Wonder Soup and 1 cup of English Breakfast from Ahmad Tea. I fell in love with their tea when I first drank it at Ante. Soon after I decided to stock up on their English Breakfast because I love the taste compared to all others. You can find a box at Ben's Grocer in Publika for RM4+? Can't really remember the price.

130PM - Baked asparagus and 1 bowl of watermelon.

4PM - Baked broccoli and 1 bowl of watermelon.

6PM - 1/2 pomelo. So my mom bought me a huge pomelo the other day when she was back from Cameron's and I had no idea it takes a few strong men to cut that thing up. Well yeah, I had it before but I had my mom to cut it for me and this was my first time wrestling with that thing. LOL.

830PM - Instead of stir fry, I boiled the bak choys and topped with oyster sauce. So yummy! Was suppose to eat broccoli as well but I didn't want to cos I wasn't hungry. 1 bowl of watermelon.

11PM - 1 cup lemon water

I felt completely fine today and I didn't have any cravings eventhough I was blogging about food and looking at pictures of food on Facebook. Oh, the best thing was I was eating my bak choy right next to Doug who was eating a packet of chicken rice. I thought I was eating too much actually! Every moment when it was time to have my meal, I found myself thinking to myself, "AGAIN?! but I just ate!" and I wasn't hungry at all. Oh, and I even missed the time by a half hour to an hour. Whereby the first day, I was on the dot with every meal. Talk about change in my diet. LOL.

Not looking forward to tomorrow though. So happened that it is Saturday and all I can take is 8 bananas and 3 glasses of milk. I guess the highlight must be 2 bowls of soup and a cup of tea? Everyday has to have a highlight or else I won't have anything to look forward to right?

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