
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Langkawi with the Homies

10 of us took a 7-hour long drive all the way up to Langkawi, Kedah to celebrate Doug & Dayton's birthday and we made their birthdays a reason to plan a getaway from the city.

Once we arrived at Sunset Beach Resort, where we were spending 3 days and 2 nights, I instantly went to lalaland while the rest didn't waste a second and went straight on to the beach. I woke up just in time for dinner. We wanted somewhere nearby so we decided on a place which was just next to Sunset and had quite a good meal and the prices were quite reasonable. Cocktails weren't exactly cheap, even when we were on a duty-free island. After dinner, we chilled at Ju's room, drank some alco, ate a few slices of Starbucks Cheesecake which we blew for Dayton's birthday and called it a night.

The next day, we drove over to Malibest Resort for their long stretch of beach, hoping to get a good time spent at the beach. If you ever want to chill out at a random beach, you can always go over to Malibest Resort. Just note that there will be locals who want to make a few quick bucks offering tour packages and will NEVER leave you alone until you agree. That was what happened to us and the guy just wouldn't leave us alone! So, we took up island hoping since it was only RM25/person for the 10 of us.

I wasn't overjoyed at the idea of going to another island, which probably looks the same as the one we were at. So, it was a meh for me but once we hit further than where the main island was, I was so amazed that the water was immediately green. Give me clear water on any island and I am sold. I mean, the water in Langkawi isn't anything spectacular but I was captured by the beauty of the water further from the main island. It was clear at one point near a small rock island (don't know what you call them) and the rest of the journey to Tasik Dayang Bunting (means Lake of the Pregnant Maiden) was rather pleasant. I really HAD NO CLUE that Langkawi had nice water! Totally changed my perception of Langkawi.

Heading to the lake was a tough one, especially for people who doesn't have a pinky of a stamina. It was a climb up a slope through the jungle, up some man-made stairs and then down a million flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs, the view of the lake hit me like somebody just held back a thick velvet curtain of lush greenery for me. The climb was totally worth the effort because the lake was incredibly beautiful. I've never seen anything like it in Malaysia before and it was my first time. So, pardon my excitement if you've been there a few times. It was a fresh water lake so tourist are allowed to swim in it as they please but usually nobody wonder too far. Perhaps too afraid of what might catch them in the middle while swimming (SPOOKY!).

The legend has it that this place is the favourite bathing pool of a celestial princess named Mambang Sari. A prince, Mat Teja, fell madly in love with her and tricked her into marrying him. Sadly, their child died from a mysterious illness at the age of seven days. Distraught, the grieving Mambang Sari left the child's body in the lake and returned to her heavenly abode. Today, some believe that barren women who bathe in this lake will be endowed with a child.

Legend aside, the guys did a whole lot of flying, jumping, flipping and rolling shots into the lake and some of them were hilarious. Us girls took in comfort of the cooling water albeit the blazing sun. Ate some snacks, drank some alco and had quite a blast for a whole hour.

After the lake, we headed off for another island nearby. However, there wasn't anything much but a dirty beach. Chilled for a while and headed back to Malibest Resort beachfront. Spent the rest of the day just playing in the water but I sat out because I wasn't feeling too well. Bummer. Dinner was delicious! We went to this place where they made good BBQ meals but other than their BBQ, other stuff on their menu didn't really justify.

With a guitar, drinks, music, cake, and great company. It was a great way to spend our last night in Langkawi just doing that and the next day was another tiresome 7 hour drive back to Kuala Lumpur. All in all, I had quite alot of fun in Langkawi. Great place if you want to go as a group because No.1 it is a duty-free island means cheap beer and liquor No.2 BEACH - nuff said No.3 great places to stay and eat No.4 right people = good company. Can't go wrong with these 4 reasons. I'll blog about the places I've stayed in Langkawi soon because I've got a couple of friends asking me and perhaps I should just share them on Wanderlust!


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