
Monday, September 16, 2013


What is Malaysia Day? It's definitely not Merdeka Day. Merdeka is our Independence Day. Malaysia Day is when we officially formed Malaysia. Geddit? Actually it is just another one of our many public holidays and it keeps us Malaysians happy. LOL.

It was a 3 day weekend for us and many have taken this opportunity to travel. I wish I had enough money to travel once every single month but this weekend, was a stay in-the-country for us.

Drove about 20mins to Klang for lunch at Kee Heong Bah Kut Teh. It was my first time there and also, my first time having Klang Bah Kut Teh. I now know why people drive all the way to Klang just to have a pot of Bah Kut Teh because I used to think that it was such an absurd thing to do when we do have really nice Bah Kut Teh restaurants here in Kuala Lumpur. If you've not had Bah Kut Teh in Klang before, perhaps you should one day.

Took a trip over to Setia Alam Mall because the homies wanted to chill there. Had coffee at Starbucks and did some shopping at H&M - my absolute FAVOURITE shop! and bagged home a pair of sneakers, coint purse, and a 5pair-pack socks. Pleaseeeee, let there be no more public holidays! I tend to go crazy on shopping during public holidays. I've no idea why!?

Doug wanted chendol on the way home, so we dropped by our usual chendol stall in Taman Yarl. Awesome chendol, if you must know. :D

AND I cooked grilled chicken chop for the first time because I've been looking high and low for a cut like that for so damn long and AEON at Midvalley doesn't have them. So happened we stumbled across it while doing groceries at Urban Fresh before we headed home in Setia Alam Mall.

Decided to call this Grilled Red Wine Paprika Chicken Chop and made Mashed Potatoes to serve as a side.

Promised to blog about my recipe, so here it is :


Marinate (2 hours)
Chicken Chop 3 pieces
Salt 2 tea spoons
Black Pepper 3 tea spoons
Paprika Powder 3 tea spoons
Sesame Oil 2 tea spoons
Dried Rosemary 2 tea spoons

Butter 2 table spoons
Olive Oil 1 table spoon
Garlic 3 cloves
Fresh Thyme 2 stalks
Red Wine 1 dash

Heat grilling pan on medium fire. Melt 1 table spoon butter and add garlic. Once garlic turns light brown, add thyme and place chicken skin down on garlic and thyme. Cook for 5mins. Turn chicken over, add 1 table spoon butter (separate onto each chicken) and grill for another 4mins. Place chicken onto plate, add a dash of red wine into pan juice, shimmer for 1 min and pour over chicken. Serve immediately.

If you've tried it, let me know how it goes! Have fun :)


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