
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fat Spoon | Damansara Uptown

Heard so much about this quaint little place even before I knew where it was. Drove by a couple of times, wanting to have a taste of their signature dishes but parking was ridiculously hard to find. One fine day, luck was on our side. We got a spot right in front of Fat Spoon but my hopes went down when I saw the crowd. The entire place was packed to the brim and the only place left was a tiny place for two at the entrance. No way was I going to give this one a miss, so we sat!

Fat Spoon is a cozy little cafe in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Damansara Uptown. Designed and decorated with memories of the past, this cafe has everything from the mid 80s to 90s. Guests are presented with childhood story book menus, think Peter & Jane hard cover with a selection of Grandma's dishes, a very interesting idea.

Their Ulam Fried Rice is said to be one of their signature dish and they are pretty known for their coffee as well. Agreeing with the lot, their Ulam Fried Rice was really flavorful. Portion is good and the sambal belacan is a must-have for sambal fans alike. Surprisingly enough, their iced Latte is by far the best I've had so far, brewed by Simonelli coffee machine. A selection of home-baked cakes and cookies are available at the counter and they have new cakes every month (I think lah).

During another visit, I had their Claypot Lou Shu Fun because I saw the table beside me was having it and I wanted one too! It was a little underwhelming. I've had better ones and have to say that, this one will be given a miss in the future. Doug tried their Macaroni with minced beef and he said it was quite unique, a little spicy but there wasn't enough bite to it. So, those who generally need meat in their meal all the time will have a hard time finishing this meal because the meat wasn't as tasty. So, generally you'll taste the macaroni more than the taste of meat. I guess their Ulam Fried Rice has to be the one to go for during your first time at Fat Spoon.

If you are a fan of home cooked nonya dishes, do give Fat Spoon a try.


  1. Would definitely give the Ulam Fried rice a try this weekend!

    1. I always head there for that and their coffee. You have to try their Iced Latte :)
